Raise Awareness: Tools & Resources
- Risk factors for harassment/raise-awareness/risk-factors-self-assessment
- Decision Tree for Bias Intervention (pdf)
- Decision Tree for Sexual Harassment Intervention (pdf)
- Decision Tree for Reporting (pdf)
- Bystander Intervention
- Creating an Inclusive Classroom and Laboratory Environment
- Mentoring Tips
- Reducing Bias
- Responding to Harassing, Discriminatory, or Bullying Behavior
- Center for Diversity - We are committed to providing Education, Advocacy and Allyship to create a community of Equity and Inclusive Excellence at CIT.
- Center for Teaching, Learning, and Outreach (CTLO) - We support Caltech's multifaceted educational efforts, including undergraduate and graduate courses and curricula, formal and informal learning, and partnerships with K-12 teachers and students.
- Title IX - We are committed to providing an environment free from discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of sex.